Saturday, February 13, 2016

VCS Cheat Sheet

VCS uses two components, LLT and GAB, to share data over the private networks among systems.
These components provide the performance and reliability required by VCS.
LLT (Low Latency Transport) provides fast, kernel-to-kernel comms and monitors network connections. The system admin configures the LLT by creating a configuration file (llttab) that describes the systems in the cluster and private network links among them. The LLT runs in layer 2 of the network stack
GAB (Group membership and Atomic Broadcast) provides the global message order required to maintain a synchronised state among the systems, and monitors disk comms such as that required by the VCS heartbeat utility. The system admin configures GAB driver by creating a configuration file ( gabtab).

LLT and GAB files
The file is a database, containing one entry per system, that links the LLT system ID with the hosts name. The file is identical on each server in the cluster.
The file contains information that is derived during installation and is used by the utility lltconfig.
The file contains the information needed to configure the GAB driver. This file is used by the gabconfig utility.
The VCS configuration file. The file contains the information that defines the cluster and its systems.

-i   Initialises the disk region
-s   Start Block
-S   Signature
gabdiskhb (heartbeat disks)
-a   Add a gab disk heartbeat resource
-s   Start Block
-p   Port
-S   Signature
-c   Configure the driver for use
-n   Number of systems in the cluster.

LLT and GAB Commands
Verifying that links are active for LLT
lltstat -n
verbose output of the lltstat command
lltstat -nvv | more
open ports for LLT
lltstat -p
display the values of LLT configuration directives
lltstat -c
lists information about each configured LLT link
lltstat -l
List all MAC addresses in the cluster
lltconfig -a list
stop the LLT running
lltconfig -U
start the LLT
lltconfig -c
verify that GAB is operating
gabconfig -a
Note: port a indicates that GAB is communicating, port h indicates that VCS is started
stop GAB running
gabconfig -U
start the GAB
gabconfig -c -n <number of nodes>
override the seed values in the gabtab file
gabconfig -c -x

GAB Port Memberbership
List Membership
gabconfig -a
Unregister port f
/opt/VRTS/bin/fsclustadm cfsdeinit
Port Function
a   gab driver
b   I/O fencing (designed to guarantee data integrity)
d   ODM (Oracle Disk Manager)
f   CFS (Cluster File System)
h   VCS (VERITAS Cluster Server: high availability daemon)
o   VCSMM driver (kernel module needed for Oracle and VCS interface)
q   QuickLog daemon
v   CVM (Cluster Volume Manager)
w   vxconfigd (module for cvm)

Cluster daemons
High Availability Daemon
Companion Daemon
Resource Agent daemon
Web Console cluster managerment daemon

Cluster Log Files
Log Directory
primary log file (engine log file)

Starting and Stopping the cluster
"-stale" instructs the engine to treat the local config as stale
"-force" instructs the engine to treat a stale config as a valid one
hastart [-stale|-force]
Bring the cluster into running mode from a stale state using the configuration file from a particular server
hasys -force <server_name>
Stop the cluster on the local server. 

Note: This will also bring any clustered resources offline. 

hastop -local
Stop cluster on local server but evacuate (failover) the application/s to another node within the cluster

hastop -local -evacuate
Stop the cluster on all nodes but leave the clustered resources online.
hastop -all -force

Cluster Status
display cluster summary
hastatus -summary
continually monitor cluster
verify the cluster is operating
hasys -display

Cluster Details
information about a cluster
haclus -display
value for a specific cluster attribute
haclus -value <attribute>
modify a cluster attribute
haclus -modify <attribute name> <new>
Enable LinkMonitoring
haclus -enable LinkMonitoring
Disable LinkMonitoring
haclus -disable LinkMonitoring

add a user
hauser -add <username>
modify a user
hauser -update <username>
delete a user
hauser -delete <username>
display all users
hauser -display

System Operations
add a system to the cluster
hasys -add <sys>
delete a system from the cluster
hasys -delete <sys>
Modify a system attributes
hasys -modify <sys> <modify options>
list a system state
hasys -state
Force a system to start
hasys -force
Display the systems attributes
hasys -display [-sys]
List all the systems in the cluster
hasys -list
Change the load attribute of a system
hasys -load <system> <value>
Display the value of a systems nodeid (/etc/llthosts)
hasys -nodeid
Freeze a system (No offlining system, No groups onlining)
hasys -freeze [-persistent][-evacuate]
Note: must be in write mode
Unfreeze a system ( reenable groups and resource back online)
hasys -unfreeze [-persistent]
Note: must be in write mode

Dynamic Configuration 
The VCS configuration must be in read/write mode in order to make changes. When in read/write mode the
configuration becomes stale, a .stale file is created in $VCS_CONF/conf/config. When the configuration is put
back into read-only mode the .stale file is removed.
Change configuration to read/write mode
haconf -makerw
Change configuration to read-only mode
haconf -dump -makero
Check what mode cluster is running in
haclus -display |grep -i 'readonly'
0 = write mode
1 = read only mode
Check the configuration file
hacf -verify /etc/VRTS/conf/config
Note: you can point to any directory as long as it has and
convert a file into cluster commands
hacf -cftocmd /etc/VRTS/conf/config -dest /tmp
convert a command file into a file
hacf -cmdtocf /tmp -dest /etc/VRTS/conf/config

Service Groups
add a service group
haconf -makerw
  hagrp -add groupw
  hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2
  hagrp -autoenable groupw -sys sun1
haconf -dump -makero
delete a service group
haconf -makerw
  hagrp -delete groupw
haconf -dump -makero
change a service group
haconf -makerw
  hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2 sun3 3
haconf -dump -makero
Note: use the "hagrp -display <group>" to list attributes
list the service groups
hagrp -list
list the groups dependencies
hagrp -dep <group>
list the parameters of a group
hagrp -display <group>
display a service group's resource
hagrp -resources <group>
display the current state of the service group
hagrp -state <group>
clear a faulted non-persistent resource in a specific grp
hagrp -clear <group> [-sys] <host> <sys>
Change the system list in a cluster
# remove the host
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd SystemList -delete <hostname>
# add the new host (don't forget to state its position)
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd SystemList -add <hostname> 1
# update the autostart list
hagrp -modify grp_zlnrssd AutoStartList <host> <host>

Service Group Operations
Start a service group and bring its resources online
hagrp -online <group> -sys <sys>
Stop a service group and takes its resources offline
hagrp -offline <group> -sys <sys>
Switch a service group from system to another
hagrp -switch <group> to <sys>
Enable all the resources in a group
hagrp -enableresources <group>
Disable all the resources in a group
hagrp -disableresources <group>
Freeze a service group (disable onlining and offlining)
hagrp -freeze <group> [-persistent]
note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen"
Unfreeze a service group (enable onlining and offlining)
hagrp -unfreeze <group> [-persistent]
note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen"
Enable a service group. Enabled groups can only be brought online
haconf -makerw
  hagrp -enable <group> [-sys]
haconf -dump -makero
Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled"
Disable a service group. Stop from bringing online
haconf -makerw
  hagrp -disable <group> [-sys]
haconf -dump -makero
Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled"
Flush a service group and enable corrective action.
hagrp -flush <group> -sys <system>

add a resource
haconf -makerw
  hares -add appDG DiskGroup groupw
  hares -modify appDG Enabled 1
  hares -modify appDG DiskGroup appdg
  hares -modify appDG StartVolumes 0
haconf -dump -makero
delete a resource
haconf -makerw
  hares -delete <resource>
haconf -dump -makero
change a resource
haconf -makerw
  hares -modify appDG Enabled 1
haconf -dump -makero
Note: list parameters "hares -display <resource>"
change a resource attribute to be globally wide
hares -global <resource> <attribute> <value>
change a resource attribute to be locally wide
hares -local <resource> <attribute> <value>
list the parameters of a resource
hares -display <resource>
list the resources
hares -list  
list the resource dependencies
hares -dep

Resource Operations
Online a resource
hares -online <resource> [-sys]
Offline a resource
hares -offline <resource> [-sys]
display the state of a resource( offline, online, etc)
hares -state
display the parameters of a resource
hares -display <resource>
Offline a resource and propagate the command to its children
hares -offprop <resource> -sys <sys>
Cause a resource agent to immediately monitor the resource
hares -probe <resource> -sys <sys>
Clearing a resource (automatically initiates the onlining)
hares -clear <resource> [-sys]

Resource Types
Add a resource type
hatype -add <type>
Remove a resource type
hatype -delete <type>
List all resource types
hatype -list
Display a resource type
hatype -display <type>
List a partitcular resource type
hatype -resources <type>
Change a particular resource types attributes
hatype -value <type> <attr>

Resource Agents
add a agent
pkgadd -d . <agent package>
remove a agent
pkgrm <agent package>
change a agent
list all ha agents
haagent -list  
Display agents run-time information i.e has it started, is it running ?
haagent -display <agent_name>  
Display agents faults
haagent -display |grep Faults

Resource Agent Operations
Start an agent
haagent -start <agent_name>[-sys]
Stop an agent
haagent -stop <agent_name>[-sys]

Friday, February 12, 2016

Workaround for "FATAL: system is not bootable, boot command is disabled" on an obp

{1} ok boot
FATAL: system is not bootable, boot command is disabled


{1} ok setenv auto-boot? false
auto-boot? =          false
{1} ok reset-all

SC Alert: Host System has Reset
Sun Fire V210, No Keyboard
Copyright 1998-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.11.4, 4096 MB memory installed, Serial #xxxxxxxx.
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:xx:xx:xx, Host ID: 83xxxxxx.

{1} ok setenv auto-boot? true
auto-boot? =          true
{1} ok boot

How to Collect a Snapshot on SPARC M series servers Mx000 and M10-x systems - M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000

Running snapshot
The syntax varies slightly from the Mx000 to the M10-x .The M10 requires a "-a" option to collect logs
from all chassis. 

The two most common usages are described below. The first example for each platform does not
 require physical presence at the system and works across the network.   The second uses a USB
stick, and requires someone on site to install and remove the USB stick for transporting the data
 to another system for upload.  The command requires platadm or fieldeng privileges. 

Mx000 Example of collecting a snapshot
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t <username>@<hostname or IP addr>:<location to write to>
Mx000 Example of collecting a snapshot to an external USB stick:
XSCF> snapshot -L F -d usb0

M10-x Example of collecting a snapshot

XSCF> snapshot -a -L F -t <username>@<hostname or IP addr>:<location to write to>
M10-x Example of collecting a snapshot to an external USB stick:
XSCF> snapshot -a -L F -d usb0

Bear in mind, that the external media device connected to the XSCF's USB port is expected to have
 a partition 1, formatted with the FAT32 filesystem. The external USB device can have multiple
partitions, as long as partition 1 is FAT32. That partition will then be used by the snapshot
command. For more details on the snapshot command please visit the manual page.


XSCF> snapshot -L F -t root@
Downloading Public Key from ''...
Public Key Fingerprint: 98:c0:ba:95:4d:70:9a:dc:24:01:09:5f:94:43:07:c7
Accept this public key (yes/no)? yes
Enter ssh password for user 'root' on host '':
Setting up ssh connection to root@
Collecting data into root@
Data collection complete

Troubleshooting Steps
SSH: Could not resolve hostname
XSCF> snapshot -L F -t username@hostname:/home/username
Downloading Public Key from 'hostname'...
Error downloading key for host 'hostname'
- Program exited unexpectedly: /usr/bin/ssh
- Output: "ssh: Could not resolve hostname <hostname>: Temporary failure in name resolution"
Error with SSH settings
Resolution:  Use the ip address instead of the host name
Unable to mount USB device
After inserting a USB memory stick into the maintenance port of an OPL XSCF, snapshot reported
 that it is unable to mount the USB device.

Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 (OPL) Servers: snapshot
 "Unable to mount USB device".

The snapshot command expects the USB device to have a partition 1 with a fat32 filesystem.
 (/dev/sda1) If your device does not have any partitions, the XSCF will see your USB memory stick
 as /dev/sda. Without the partition snapshot will not be able to mount the device correctly and
report "Unable to mount USB device".
Resolution:  To create a partition table on your USB stick, you can plug your USB memory stick
into a Windows Computer, which should re-partition and format the device with one large partition
 as a FAT32 file system.
This issue is fixed in XCP 1050.

How to take ILOM SnapShot - Sparc T series servers

From the CLI:

Log into the ILOM in an admin role and run the following from the ILOM shell:

->set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal
-> set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=sftp://userid@<server IP>/tmp
->cd /SP/diag/snapshot

The snapshot should be running at this point.
You can run another "show" every once in a while to check the progress.
Once it has stopped running, we should have it available on  FTP server.

Alternatively, you can collect the snapshot through the web UI:

If you have access to the WebUI, select "Maintenance", then "Snapshot".
Select "Data Set" "Normal".
Select "Transfer Method" "Browser

XSCF commands/Cheat Sheet


  • XSCF : eXtended System Control Facility
  • IOU : I/O Unit
 The IOU includes PCI slots.
  • PSB : Physical System Board
 The PSB includes at least 1 CPUM, 1 MEMB and 1 IOU on M4000 or M5000 server.
 A M4000 server includes 1 PSB (PSB#00) and a M5000 server includes 2 PSB(PSB#00 and PSB#01).
  • XSB : Extended System Board
 The PSB is configured either in Uni-XSB mode or Quad-XSB mode.
 In uni-XSB mode, the XSB are named XSB#XX-0.
          In quad-XSB mode, the XSB are named XSB#XX-0, XSB#XX-1, XSB#XX-2 and XSB#XX-3
 XX represents the PSB number.
  • LSB : Logical System Board
           Before adding an XSB to a domain, it is necessary to assign a number of LSB in the DCL         ).
  • DCL : Domain Component List
                    Each domain has his own DCL. Each DCL contains 16 LSB.
  • DCU : Domain Configuration Unit
  • XCP : XSCF Control Package

Domain Administration:
List all domains on the frame:
XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID         Domain Status
00          Running
01          Running
02          -
03          -

Connecting to the console:
XSCF>  console -d [console #]
-f force connection to writable console session
-r read only connection
-y answer yes to all prompts

Exiting the console:
Press the Enter key and then enter "#.".

To see who has the console:
showconsolepath -d [domain #]

To display logs:
showlogs -d [domain #] console -> console log
showlogs -M -d [domain #] console -> console log paged
showlogs -r -M -d [domain #] console -> console log paged in reverse order
showlogs -d [domain #] panic -> panic log 

Poweron all domains
XSCF> poweron -a

Poweron only domain 0
XSCF> poweron -d 0

Poweroff all domains
XSCF> poweroff -a

Poweroff domain 0
XSCF> poweroff -d 0

Reboot XSCF
XSCF> rebootxscf

To send a break:
sendbreak -d [domain #]
If the sendbreak command does not work then you might need to turn off the domain's secure mode.
To check current setting, at the XSCF> prompt, type:
showdomainmode -d [domain #]
to change the security mode, at the XSCF> prompt, type:
setdomainmode -d [domain #] -m secure=off

To forcibly reset a hung domain:
reset -d [domain #]  level
Where level is "por", "panic" or "xir":
– "por" to reset the domain
– "panic" to panic the server and generate a core
– "xir" to reset the domains' CPUs

To see all the commands available:
[tab] [tab]

Man pages:
man [command]

To exit XSCF
exit or ctrl-D

XSCF Firmware upgrade

  • Check current firmware level
            XSCF> version -c xcp -v 
  •  Check version of staged firmware
             XSCF> getflashimage -l
  • Download new firmware
             XSCF> getflashimage -y -v http://IP:PORT/firmware/FFXCP1120.tar.gz  or getflashimage -y -v -u <user>          ftp://IP:PORT/firmware/FFXCP1120.tar.gz 
            XSCF> getflashimage -l   
  • Check upgrade is possible or not
            XSCF> flashupdate -c check -m xcp -s 1120
  • Update the firmware
            XSCF> flashupdate -y -c update -m xcp -s 1120 

Login again

  • Confirm that the XSCF firmware update has finished
            XSCF> showlogs monitor 
  • Verify new version of firmware
            XSCF> version -c xcp -v
  • Reboot the domains: The domains should be rebooted soon after firmware upgrade is performed.

User Administration
  • Creating a New user
            XSCF> adduser -u  admin
  • Delete a user
           XSCF> deleteuser admin
  • Disable a user
           XSCF> disableuser admin
  • Enable a user
           XSCF> enableuser admin
  • Display user account information
          XSCF> showuser -a
  • Set or change a User (admin) password
          XSCF> password admin

• Show the network configuration
XSCF> showssh
XSCF> showhostname -a
XSCF> shownetwork -a
XSCF> showroute -a
XSCF> showntp -a
XSCF> shownameserver
Domain Components FRU
• Display
XSCF> showfru -a sb              
Device  Location    XSB Mode        Memory Mirror Mode 
sb      00          Uni             no                 
sb      01          Uni             no 
XSCF> showfru sb 0
• Define
To Uni-XSB
  XSCF> setupfru -x 1 sb 0
To Quad-XSB
  XSCF> setupfru -x 4 sb 0
• Display
XSCF> showdcl -a -v
XSCF> showdcl -v -d 0
• Define a DCL number to a XSB
XSCF> setdcl -d 0 -a 0=00-0
The XSB 00-0 has the DCL number 0 on the domain 0.
• Suppress
XSCF> setdcl -d 0 -r 00
• Display all boards
XSCF> showboards -a -v
• Add a board to a domain
XSCF> addboard -d 0 -c assign 00-0
We add the xsb 00-0 to the domain 0
• Suppress a board
XSCF> deleteboard -c unassign 00-0

Device Information
  • Display a resume of hardware configuration
XSCF> showhardconf -u
  • Display page by page
XSCF> showhardconf -M
  • Display the attached device to a domain( The OS must run on the domain )
XSCF> showdevices -d 0
It is necessary to configure the dscp and also to start the SMF services else the command returns the follow error message :
Can't get device information from DomainID 1.
Display the hardware with degraded status
  • XSCF> showstatus
* MEM#0A; Status:Faulted;
  • Replace the FRU (FAN and PSU for M4000/M5000)
XSCF> replacefru